Trademark Research Order

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Trademark Research Order

Our trademark search department provides you with complete information about every mark in use that might possibly be confusingly similar to your proposed mark.

Federal Trademarks Principal Registry Search potential conflicts with the active and pending trademarks, service marks, collective marks and certification marks.


State Trademark Registry Search trademark report that is based on a search of all fifty state trademark registries


All-Inclusive Trademark Search Obtain a Trademark Search report covering all sources that could include potential conflict with your proposed trademark or service mark. We search through active and pending Federal Trademark Registrations filed with the United States Patent and Trademark Office. We also include expired, canceled or abandoned marks in our search. We carefully search all fifty state trademark registries and relevant trade directories such as Dun & Bradstreet, telephone listings and Internet Domain name registrars.


The purpose of the search

Canadian Trademark Registry search trademark against the Canadian Trademark databases
